This easy rice bowl recipe is flavorful, filling and comes together in under 10 minutes. You can’t beat that! When I was asked to team up with Minute® Ready to Serve Rice and create a recipe, I knew a rice bowl was in my future. This is what they would call a No Recipe Recipe!
Now that both my husband and I work from home, we have lunch together throughout the week quite a bit. He’s good at eating up the leftovers and I’m good at eating…crackers and cheese. Needless to say, I’m not good at fueling myself at lunch because I want something that is really quick.
When I end up skipping lunch or eating something that doesn’t have a lot of sustenance, I regret it later. I have low energy and not a lot of patience to deal with everything the evening time throws at me.
Minute Ready to Serve Rice with some of my favorite mix-ins, is the perfect solution to my lunch time dilemma.
I’m a huge fan of rice bowls. Why? Because you can get incredibly creative and mix up all kinds of things.
Also, since I cook for two vegetarians, three meat eaters and one with gluten intolerance, rice bowls are my friend. The vegetarians can enjoy their rice bowls filled with veggies until their hearts’ content and the rest of us can add a little meat in there. And the one with gluten sensitivity can eat Minute Ready to Serve Rice because it’s gluten free and non-GMO. Everyone wins!
All you need for this meal is an egg, shredded cheese, pico de gallo and one Minute Ready to Serve brown rice cup. Just fry up the egg however you like it (sunny side up, over easy, over medium, etc) and while the egg is frying, pop the rice in the microwave for one minute (that’s it!).
After the egg is cooked to your liking, pour the rice in a bowl and top with the egg. Sprinkle on a little shredded cheese while it’s still warm and then add some pico de gallo. You can also season with a little salt and black pepper.
This dish was so good and full of flavor. The rice was cooked perfectly and I didn’t have the mess of cooking the rice on the stove, which was so nice. Not to mention rice usually takes 20 minutes and who has time for that at lunch? Not me.
I love having a go-to lunch solution like this one that helps me with portion control. Since Minute Ready to Serve rice comes in two individual single-serve cups, I know exactly the amount to give myself and I don’t have to guess if I’m over doing it. The portion control and the brown rice gives me a healthy lunch I can feel good about.
The inside of the Minute Ready to Serve rice had some No Recipe Recipe ideas, which shows you that the lunch solutions are endless. From Un-Fried Rice and Chicken & Rice Burritos to Mock Apple Pie. Yum.
Can we talk about snacks for a minute? They can be the bane of my existence sometimes because my choices aren’t always great! If you’re wanting a portable snack to take to the office or even traveling, this Ready to Serve rice is perfect for that. You heat it up for 60 seconds, right in the cup, and then eat it, right out of the cup. Easy peasy.
Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? It is! And what a great way to celebrate by mixing up a rice bowl of your own.