5 Tips for Teething Babies


Getting the hang of taking care of a newborn baby can be quite the process. A few months in, you’ve figured out your bedtime routine, you’ve figured out bathing, you’ve figured out diapers, you’re on a roll. Things are going well. That is, of course, until your baby starts chewing on everything.

Teething is a perfectly natural process that can be handled from home. What certainly none of us remember from our teething days is, unfortunately, it’s pretty uncomfortable. Of course, our babies can’t tell us how uncomfortable this feels, so it’s important to recognize the symptoms: irritability, swollen gums, drooling, biting/chewing, and loss of appetite. When a tooth starts coming in, symptoms should only last a handful of days, but more than one tooth is going to come in, which means these symptoms are going to come and go for a while. Here are a few tips for teething babies to make sure your baby gets through this process as comfortably as possible.

Cold Snacks

Whether it be a snack or the main course, grabbing fruit or applesauce from the fridge or freezer can be a great way of making your baby’s gums feel better. Since part of the discomfort comes from the inflammation, this is an easy way to get your baby to “put some ice on it” without having to hold anything there yourself or use some questionable contraption.

The cool or cold food will help numb some of the discomfort while also motivate your baby to eat some more. Uncomfortable or not, they still need to get food in their system.

Rags and Towels

Your baby is naturally going to want to chew on something during this period of time, might as well use that to your advantage! Wet a small rag or towel and put it in the fridge, then give it to your baby to chew on.

The coolness combined with the soft material massaging can do wonders for you baby’s gums. Of course, since this isn’t food, it isn’t going to run out. You’ll just have to remember to rewet and put it back in the fridge—maybe keep a few ready and on hand to swap out.

Teething Biscuits

Actually made specifically for this reason, teething biscuits are another great way to make your baby feel better during this time. There are plenty of premade options, and also plenty of recipes to make your own at home!

A step in between soft and solid foods, teething biscuits are a great option for teething babies. As they are a step towards solid foods, however, it’s important to start building the habit of brushing once more teeth start coming in. Brushing the buildup away, even if it’s without toothpaste at first, is important for your baby’s health as well as to start getting them used to the sensation.

Rings and Toys

Teething rings and teething toys are more products made specifically for teething babies, and they can be absolute lifesavers for your baby. Cooling them down in the fridge or freezer can also make them numb the gums a bit. The ones filled with gel have a bit of a tendency to break and spill when frozen, however, so keep those in the fridge instead.

When choosing toys of any kind for your baby, it’s important to be careful with sizes and other details. Make sure they aren’t too small and easy to swallow, and be careful with strings and hooks. Although they might be to make sure your baby doesn’t lose their toy, a string getting caught around your baby’s neck is not something to take lightly.

Be Careful with Other Products

Just as you should be careful with what toys you buy for your baby, you should be careful, in general, with products you buy for your baby. Just because something is marketed towards infants doesn’t mean it’s the best option for them, and when it comes to teething products, this couldn’t be any truer.

Ointments and medication specifically for teething aren’t backed by research and, often, contain chemicals that your baby would end up consuming at high quantities. The same goes for herbal and natural products. Can plants be less scary than unpronounceable chemicals? Sure. Have some plants naturally evolved to poison us? Definitely. Just because it’s green doesn’t mean that it’s safe—always be careful with products you intend to give your child.

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