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5 Ways to Always Look Put Together

5 Ways to Always Look Put Together is brought to you by my participation in the Mom It Forward Blogger Network. I have been compensated by Colgate, as a part of their Blog tour, to help spread the word about a product I recommend.

You know those women you see on the street, or at your local mom’s group or grabbing a Tall, Half-Caff, Soy Latte At 120 Degrees from the coffee shop (people seriously order this) that seem to always look put together? You kind of hate them. You kind of want to be them. You think silently to yourself if only I had 2 hours to get ready in the morning. A lot of these women actually don’t spend hours getting ready. What they have spent time on is perfecting their always-put-together-look and I’m here to tell you, it’s not that hard to do!

Here are 5 Ways to Always Look Put Together.

1. If You Haven’t Worn It In a Year, Get Rid of It

I know you’ve heard this a thousand times, but weeding out your closet of clothes you just don’t wear will save you time getting ready. I promise! If your closet is full of clothes you love, clothes that look good on you and clothes that fit in with your lifestyle – choosing a great outfit will be so much easier. Which leads me into my next tip…

2. Create a Wardrobe Capsule

Three items in my capsule: dark denim, white button up shirt, black sneakers

What’s a wardrobe capsule you ask? It’s the core of your closet and outfits. It’s a collection of a few items that don’t go out of style such as a pencil skirt, ballet flats, jeans and a fitted cardigan. These items are also interchangeable and give you the ability to create many outfits you can throw together at a moment’s notice. These items can easily go from season to season, but added to and changed up with your accessories. Having a core like this makes getting dressed, packing for a trip and always looking put together a cinch!

Would you like to know more about putting together a wardrobe capsule? Let me know in the comments!

3. Give Yourself a Weekly At-Home Manicure Using Clear or Neutral Polish

There’s something about your nails looking manicured that gives you that she’s got it together look isn’t there? I love to have my nails polished in a bright color, but as soon as I polish them in that gorgeous hot pink, it’s time to do the dishes, laundry and a number of other things that make that cute manicure look absolutely awful. The polish starts chipping off and my hard work is down the drain, literally. If you give yourself a weekly manicure (file your nails, clip your cuticles, rub them with oil and finish off with a neutral or clear polish) your nails will always look great.

Going with a clear or neutral polish will help keep your manicure looking pretty longer.

4. Get a Low-Maintenance Haircut

I’m definitely guilty of getting that trendy haircut that requires everyday styling and non-stop maintenance. In fact, I’m growing my hair out from one of those cuts. I’ve been told (and I know for myself) that I look best with shoulder length hair, with either a little bit of wave or straight. The funny thing about this style is it’s the most low-maintenance one! I can go a few days without washing it, which helps my hair to look healthier. I can wear it down, in a low ponytail or an up-do in between washings. It’s low-maintenance and helps me have a good hair day (almost) everyday.

Ask your hairdresser about the best cut for you. What flatters your face? What kind of cut is easy to style and doesn’t require daily maintenance? A low-maintenance hairstyle is a great way to always look put together.

5. Always Have a Healthy and White Smile

There’s one way to ruin a great look and that’s with an unhealthy smile. You can be wearing the cutest outfit, with your gorgeous flowing tresses styled just right and your nails perfectly manicured, but have a smile that’s dull and breath that isn’t fresh, which messes up your entire look.

I’ll admit that I’m a little obsessed about fresh breath and the toothpaste I use. I want a toothpaste that not only freshens my breath and whitens my teeth, but also helps take care of the health of my teeth. That’s where Colgate Total® Daily Repair Toothpaste comes in. I was thrilled when I was asked by the Colgate-Palmolive Company to try this new product that’s been added to the Colgate Total® portfolio, because like I told you, me + toothpaste = a little obsessed.

What do I think?

It’s exactly what I need for a smile I can feel great about!

A few things to know about Colgate Total® Daily Repair Toothpaste is it contains a multi-active formula that helps repair early teeth and gum damage* before you may know it even exists. It also helps remineralize weakened enamel to help prevent cavities and strengthen teeth, and help improve gum health** by killing bacteria that cause gingivitis. Plus the benefits of fresh breath and whiter teeth.

It’s available this month (July 2015) in two sizes: 4.0oz priced at $2.47 – $2.97 and 5.8oz priced at $3.47 – $3.97. You can find out more about this product and the other Colgate Total® family here.

Do you have any tricks up your sleeve to always looking put together? Or tricks that help make you feel fabulous every day? Please share!

*Reverses early gum issues by helping prevent gingivitis; remineralizes enamel damage to strengthen teeth and help prevent cavities

**in 4 weeks; results improve with continued twice daily use, as shown in six month clinical studies, compared to regular fluoride toothpaste