What’s In My Makeup Bag?
I always like to peek into other ladies' make-up bags and get ideas for new products to use or products I didn't even think...
Setting Up a Hot Dog Bar
In honor of National Hot Dog month, which is July, and National Hot Dog Day, which is July 23rd, I thought it would be...
Cute Outfit Ideas of the Week #37 – Looking Good on the Fourth of...
It's time for another Cute Outfit Ideas of the Week! The fourth of July is coming up this Friday. Do you have your plans...
DIY Frocket T-Shirt
Remember the kimono my daughter and I made? She put her craftiness to the test again and made DIY Frockets. If you have a...
Charleston Cheese Dip
When it comes to dips I usually prefer cold dips, except when they're filled with cheese like the one pictured above. I made this...