25 Chocolate Pie Recipes
It's Menu Monday, it's almost Thanksgiving and my daughter's 16th birthday is tomorrow. Tomorrow you guys!! The fact that I will have a 16-year-old...
Fabulous Finds Friday Part 2: LOFT Sale, Extra 50% Sale Items & A Can’t...
I'm out of control. I don't think I've ever done two Fabulous Finds Friday posts in a row. Let me check. Be back in...
Fabulous Finds Friday: $15 Infinity Scarves
It's Friday and that means it's time for Fabulous Finds Friday! I love Fridays for so many reasons and finding good deals is one...
Cute Outfit Ideas of the Week; Edition #17 Featuring Vests
Wow. It has been a long time since I've done a Cute Outfit Ideas of the Week post, hasn't it? Long story short -...
Help Create the Ultimate Holiday Wine Shopping List – Ends in 2 Days!
Are you a wine lover? I sure am. In fact, my ideal date is curled up on the couch with my husband watching a...