3 Quick Hairstyle Tricks for When You Woke Up Late for School + Sweeps

Sponsored post by Mirum Shopper. All opinions are my own. (Keep reading until the end to see how you can enter to win an HEB...

General Mills Big G Cereals + The Secret Life of Pets Exclusive Collectibles

Last week we headed to our local theater to see “The Secret Life of Pets” movie. My family will tell you I have a...

How to Get In A Quality Work Out Without Even Leaving the House

Whether you work outside the home, from your home, are a stay at home mom or sometimes feel like all of the above, most...

15 Unique Ideas for Senior Pictures

Are you looking for unique ideas for your senior pictures? Here are 15 taken in Austin, Texas which include water, a skyline, a graffiti wall...

Tunic Outfit Idea + Where to Find Long Shirts

The majority of my closet when it comes to shirts are tunics. I'm not exactly sure when my love affair with them began exactly,...

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4 BEST Clean Keto Breads

Keto bread brands have invaded the bakery industry, and separating the wheat from the chaff has never been more challenging. Most bread brands are...

Foods To Eat / Avoid on A Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet is known for its low-carb and high-fat eating plan. By replacing starchy foodstuff with fatty ones like cheese and bacon, the body...

Potential Health Risks of The Keto Diet

The most important benefit of the keto diet is understanding its risks. The ketogenic diet is slowly becoming a fad among nutritionists mainly due to...

Kiss My Keto Bread Where to Buy

The Kiss My Keto company is dedicated to making the best keto snacks, gummies, bread, and supplements to address the increasing demand in the...