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It’s August and #INeedLess – Playing The Minimalism Game


Yesterday my husband messaged me on Facebook while I was holed up in my office and said “Can we compete at this in August??? Please” with a link to The Minimalist post about The Minimalism Game. To which I replied after reading it “I’m nervous, but sure…why not?”

You can read the post yourself. It’s short and sweet and to the point. But the jest of it is starting August 1st (that would be today) to get rid of one thing on day 1, two things on day 2, three things on day 3…you get the point. So yes, that means on day thirty-one, you will need to get rid of 31 things. Does this sound intimidating? Yes. My husband did the math (I don’t math) and this means that by September 1st,  we will have each gotten rid of 495 items. Join me in saying holymolymotherof… (Insert whatever.)

It’s Time to Really Live

We’ve been talking about simplifying our lives for quite awhile now. I’ve been hesitant because of a little problem. I love things. I love to buy things. I love to get things in the mail. The UPS man is my hero because he brings me new, shiny things! But I’ve been feeling unsatisfied with life in general. I kept trying to figure out what it was that’s been bothering me so much. I have a freaking fantastic life. There is no reason I should feel this way but yet, I do. And now I know why? I feel trapped by things. I feel trapped by the amount of money going out of my bank account for purchases I know aren’t worth my freedom. (Read this post that’s related and worth your time.) I feel trapped by lack of planning and structure and a lack of a lack of a plan. Do you feel me?  

I’m turning 40 this month. On August 19, 2015 I will have been on this earth for 40 years. (Please don’t tell me 40 is the new 20. I was an idiot at 20.) I think I’m finally ready to live life the way I’ve been craving to for so long. Simple. It has hit me between the eyes, in the gut and through the heart that this is what I want out of life. Absolute.100%. simplicity. 

I remember when Todd and I got our first apartment. It was filled to the brim with…just about nothing. We had a two bedroom apartment that consisted of a couch, a bed and dresser given to us by my parents, one TV and a few kitchen items our friends and family gave us as wedding presents. We had other things like clothes and what not, but I remember so well thinking I can’t wait until I can fill this space with more stuff…then I’ll be really happy.

We had friends over for dinner one night and I remember all of us having to sit on the floor because we had no dining room table. But when I think of that night, the lack of a dining room table is not what sticks out in my mind. Getting together with our friends in our own space for the first time and the feeling that gave me…that’s what I remember. That was such a fun night and we.sat.on.the.floor.

We now have a 2200 square foot house that we have filled with, you got it, stuff. Yes, I’m happy but it has nothing to do with the stuff I’m surrounded by. It has all to do with the people in my life and the experiences I have lived.

My One Thing for August 1st

So, today is August 1st. Which means I need to get rid of one thing. So I told our dog is was time to go. Totally kidding! Here’s what I’m getting rid of.  A hair removal system I haven’t touched in two years. It’s been sitting at the top of my closet for TWO YEARS. Why? Because it’s worth $200 new, so why would I get rid of something so high priced? Because I thought I might use it again? Well friends, the reality is…I won’t.

#INeedLess – Will You Join?

I posted about this on Facebook and I’m excited to say, we have quite a few friends joining us.  It seems we’re not the only ones feeling the need to simplify. My husband  came up with the hashtag #INeedLess so we can track everyone’s progress and stories. Will you join us? #INeedLess has so much more meaning than just stuff, but we’ll talk about our plans for this at a later date.

The August Theme for Mom Fabulous is Simplicity

For the month of August, here on Mom Fabulous (as well as on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram) I’ll be talking about simplicity. From simple fashion and simple meals, to a simple home and schedule. I’ll do weekly updates on what I’ve gotten rid of and what I’m learning along the way. I am so excited that this is my Birthday month, because I can’t think of a greater present to myself than this – Freedom from things.

I’ll leave you with this video my sister-in-law posted in honor of this journey we’re going on. Funny guy that Jerry Seinfeld is!


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