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How would you like to keep an air freshener in your car that is discreet, long lasting, doesn't leak or block the air vent and smells amazing? There's an easy way and a fantastic product that is perfect!

The Discreet Way to Keep Your Car Smelling Fresh

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of PERK. All opinions are 100% mine. I am constantly doing what I can to...
Broncos game day outfit

My Stylish Game Day Outfit

Football season is upon us, which means putting together the perfect...
What I learned from quitting my job

What I Learned From Quitting My Job and Starting My Own Business

This is a guest post by Jen Rudd of HalfwayHomemaker.com for the series titled “What I Learned From…” 6 years ago, if you would have told me...
tara smith haircare

From Brittle & Crazy Hair to Locks I Love: Products I’m Using

My hair troubles. It's the talk of the blog no? I know I'm constantly talking about my hair color, trying to grow it out,...
This Mexican Chicken Casserole dish is easy to make and makes Mexican food lovers rejoice.

Easy Weeknight Meal Idea: Mexican Chicken Casserole

I'm back with another easy weeknight meal idea! If you ask me what I want for dinner or where I want to go for...