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Back to School: BackPack Edition

We are just a little over two weeks away from school starting. I absolutely can not believe it! It's crunch time for back to...

Your Back to School Shopping Guide: Big Savings & Big Style at Kohl’s

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom CentralConsulting for Kohl’s. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. As I was browsing through...

Back to School Organization: All Those School Papers!

Whether I (or my kids) would like to believe it or not, Back to School time is getting near. Sales are popping up everywhere....

Back to School Organization Series

My kids have a little over a month left until they head back to school. I'm not quite sure any of us are ready....

Affordable Disney Backpacks and Lunch Totes for Back to School

Have you thought about your back-to-school shopping? We have. We've even started already, which is shocking in and of itself. Disney has you covered...