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Tag: DIY fashion

With the relaxing days of May quickly slipping away and June already here, it’s safe to say that summer is definitely in full swing! Whether you’re relaxing at home with the kids (who are FINALLY out of school!) or still working it at the office, June definitely calls for a...
  Remember the kimono my daughter and I made? She put her craftiness to the test again and made DIY Frockets. If you have a plain t-shirt that just needs a little pizzazz, add a frocket! With some leftover fabric from another sewing project and about an hour on her hands,...
  My daughter is so crafty and always has great ideas when it comes to fashion and DIY. I'm usually not so adventurous with fabric, but she's helping me in that area. She saw a video on YouTube about making your own Kimono out of a scarf. So, we tried...
It's time for another Cute Outfit Ideas of the Week! We're scooting along at #23. Today's edition is dedicated to the subject of DIY Fashion, a topic I am learning to love. My 16 year old daughter received a sewing machine for Christmas this year and she's made some really...
Today's Cute Outfit Ideas of the Week is dedicated to DIY Fashion. Have you ever wanted to make your very own maxi skirt? Or maybe lace shorts? Or how about a tie die t-shirt? There are so many DIY fashion ideas and I've been dying to try some of...

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