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Tag: Working Moms

working mom
The American culture boasts many stereotypes about working moms. According to a Pew Research study, 51% of US men and women believe kids are better when they are raised by a stay-at-home-mom (compared to only 8% who believe children are better with a stay-at-home-dad), and 41% believe that the...
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of BBVA Compass--Working Moms Mean Business for Blog Meets Brand. All opinions are 100% mine. Are you one of the working moms who dream of leaving your current job to work for yourself? Or maybe you're a stay at home...
Sarah Titus of SarahTitus.com shares why following your dreams is important and what doing so did for her life.
*This is a guest post by Sarah Titus of SarahTitus.com. Has there ever been a time, where you've looked around your home...no one was there, you were all alone in the quiet. As you look around, you see a lot of pleasing things. You have a great life. You feel...
This is a guest post by Heidi Maranell of HeidiMaranell.com for the series titled “What I Learned From…” I love blogs. Reading is my second passion. Combine that with a busy work-from-home mom role, and you start to see the problem here. So I did the completely logical thing and decided to start...

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